What you don't know
could cost you millionsFisher & Son Consulting, the premier relocation advocacy firm, provides corporations with expert advice on employee relocation policies. Our team will raise your awareness of comprehensive relocation costs and find innovative financial solutions customized to your company's needs. We will revamp your policies and procedures so that you can offer competitive, yet cost effective relocation benefits.
What we do
Numerous relocation management firms provide companies with a smooth transition for employee relocation. However, with the changing demands of today’s global environment, often these management companies rely on outsourcing of many of their services. How then, do you guarantee a smooth transition for your employees, while at the same time maintain optimal service levels and minimize your costs? By having Fisher & Son watch over you.
What is a Relocation Advocate?
A relocation advocate scrutinizes the details of your relocation policies and procedures with independent eyes. We don't do business with outside vendors; our business is simply to "watch over" your business. That means we look closely at contracts with relocation management firms and third party providers to ensure that they are written and executed in a way that is the most cost-effective for your company.
Our experts identify specifics-the very small details, for example in moving contracts where often lots of money can be saved sometimes millions of dollars. When we identify key challenges, we recommend solutions that apply the best and latest industry standards. Only an advocate watches out for you.
Invoice Processing. Audit of Household Goods Invoices
Invoice Auditing. Domestic and International Audit of Household Goods Invoices.
Domestic Home Sale Audit Audit of U.S. Domestic Home Sale Programs – A complete review of data